Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I hate the dole

Right, less of the writing gubbins, now it's time for a nice cathartic release.

I'm sick to death of the dole. I hate it and everything it represents. I hate being looked down by others for being on it. I hate having to rely on it going in regularly, praying I hear the motor whir at the ATM so I can empty my account in one meagre transaction. I hate not being able to afford anything. I hate all of the sacrifices I'm having to make week in, week out. I hate that despite being a graduate with a good degree I can't get menial office or shop work - I'm either overqualified or ill-experienced. I hate the companies that don't get back in touch with me. I hate how miserable it makes me. I hate having to pretend that everything's fine.

And now they have the gall to ask me to bring in proof I'm looking for work. Like I enjoy just scraping by instead of being able to afford things or going out or anything fun that I used to do?