I'm absolutely jiggered. It has been absolutely fantastic to see that everyone who has watched the documentary has found it both informative and entertaining. Anyway, as someone very intelligent once said:
The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift - that's why we call it the present.
So, no more looking back on past achievements. I'm looking to do another documentary over the Summer. It may not be as ambitious as The Future of News but it will be a way of keeping myself both busy and out of trouble as I wait for September to roll around for my journey of America. They say it's best to write about what you know so that narrows my expertise down to football, action films, and videogames. I'm looking into buying a digital camcorder without spending any more than £220, which is proving quite difficult as it must also have a microphone port so I can use an external mic. These are just minor problems though and as soon as I get started on it I'll keep everyone up to date.
The last couple of days have been absolute bliss! The weather has been mostly alright and I've just been able to take a step back and unwind after a very, very stressful six months. I've been able to go back to my first love - videogames. This arrived in the post which I am very much looking forward to starting:
I've never played a Star Ocean game before but seeing as this is a prequel I doubt it will have any impact at all on my overall enjoyment of the game.
I also sat down today and read the latest instalment of Rob Kirkman's seminal Zombie thriller The Walking Dead. As always, the volume ended on a huge cliffhanger and I'm eager to see what happens to Rick and his ragtag crew of survivors.
You may have noticed a couple of slight changes to this blog. I've put a search bar and a little Twitter widget so there's more synergy between my blog and my Twitter page. I would hate people to miss out on what I was having for lunch. Anyway, I'm off to enjoy a pizza, take aim at some people on Call of Duty 4, and to just enjoy being able to relax.
Jambo out.
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